Influence of Methods and Norms for Applying Fertilizers on the Growth, Development and Yield of Shade


  • Khikmatov Jamshid Bakhtiyar ugli Sholichilik Research Institute doctoral student


control, urea, soy, varietal, flower, dukak, stem growth


currently, due to the changes that occur in the plant world as a result of the sharp change in climate, the seed causes a qualitative indicator of the grain. This is due to the fact that the generative organ of the plant does not receive moisture in the soil as a result of warming the air during dressing, the process of building up from the root in the plant is observed, and the putsch causes the grain to become a whirlpool. In this article, the influence of methods and norms for applying fertilizers on the growth, development and yield of soybeans on the germination of seeds in field conditions is determined.


