Comparative Study of Neutrons Shielding Coefficents in Different Doped Composites


  • Shamshon Somo Shlaimon Department of Physics - College of Education for Pure Sciences - University of Kirkuk - Iraq
  • Sabah Mahmoud Amanallah Department of Physics - College of Education for Pure Sciences - University of Kirkuk - Iraq


Glass - free path – fast neutron -shield -Lutetium.


In present  article, three coefficients of the interaction of fast neutrons with matter are calculated and they are the fast neutrons Removal cross-sectional , the mean  free path (mfp) and the half- value thickness layer for many  composites employing two empirical via  Excell2012, for choosing the proper  protective shields for the fast neutrons. In the light of present  calculations  , the proper  shield  in terms of having a protection   property for  removal cross section   of fast  neutrons is  borate glass doped with  15 % of lutetium oxide  Lu2O3 content whose values were  0.161606 cm-1 and 0.152979 cm-1  respectiely according to the equations of James and Zoller, and in the second place is the glass sample at 10 % of Lu2O3 content  and the lowest value for the removal cross section  of fast neutrons is pure polyethylene , which has a value of 0.069091 cm-1 and 0.064655 cm-1  .According to the equations of James and Zoller. As far as the best material in terms of the lowest value of the mean free path and the Half value layer are concerned, it was is borate glass sample doped with  15 % of  Lu2O3 content  relative to the compounds studied in the current study. All the current results are reasonable agreement with the previous studies, except for the element hydrogen.


