Social Economic Influence of Community on Mangrove Ecosystem in Paguyaman Beach District


  • Abdurahman Kano Mohamad Faculty of Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Forestry, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Gorontalo


mangrove, socio-economic, ecosystem


This study aims to determine the socio-economic influence of the community on the mangrove ecosystem. The method used in this research is the field survey method and direct interviews with the community. Analysis of the data usedto calculate the significant value index (INP) of mangroves andthe matrix calculates the socio-economic influence of the community on mangroves.The results of the study obtained that the types of mangroves in the Paguyaman Pantai sub-district are:Rhizopora mucronata, Rhizopora apiculata, Rhizopora stylosa, Sonneratia alba, Ceriops decandra, Ceriops Tagal,and Avicennia Lanata. With the highest IVI, Rhizopora mucronata for the seedling and tree category and Ceriops Tagal for the sapling category.the total value of all indicators of the socio-economic influence of the community in Paguyaman Pantai District is 125 which indicates that socio-economic factors have less effect on the damage to mangrove areas.


