Image of the Psyche in the Poet's Poetry


  • M. Hamraeva Candidate of philological sciences, docent Termiz State University


poet's poetry, lyrical hero's spirit, hero's portrait and poetry, passionate writings of a burning heart


This article is devoted to the analysis of the poems of Mirzohid Botirov, one of our promising creators who have a place in modern Uzbek literature, such as "Autumn", "Autumn Dreams (series)", "Ishq Qissasi", "Ishqkhor Nasimlar". Illumination of mental scenes in the poet's poetry, the unique aspects of his work were examined in the course of learning the skill of using poetic expressions and beautiful allusions.

Mirzohid Botirov is valued in Uzbek poetry for the fact that he has become one of our favorite artists who created poetry collections such as "Khayrat chohlari", "Derazangni ach", "Symphony of Life", "The Brightest Letter" and became one of our favorite artists who gave unique poetry. These poems, which belong to his pen, are also significant in that they analyze the issues related to the interpretation of spirituality, the image and character of a hero trying to find his identity, the sufferings of pain, the warm writings of an ardent soul, the acquisition of unity, and the fact that he is given in the principle of generality.


