Features of Cardiovascular and Cardio Hemodynamics in Women With Physiological Pregnancy


  • Akhmedov F. K Bukhara Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, City of Bukhara, Uzbekistan
  • Negmatullaeva M. N Bukhara Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, City of Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Doppler, the criteria for the geometry of the heart, MMLV, RWT, pre-eclampsia


to study the characteristics of the physiological changes in the circulation of mother and cardio hemodynamics during normal pregnancy. Subjects and methods. We studied 50 women with physiological pregnancy at 30-34 weeks of gestation. Integrated ultrasound and Doppler blood flow study was performed, ultrasound scanner Sono-scape SSI 5000 (China model). To this end, we have studied the following parameters: EDD, IVS, PW, DA, LVM, LVMI, RWT and KD for judging the relationship of indices and the degree of proportionality, MMLV. Results. After studying the geometry parameters of the heart, on the basis of left ventricular mass indices and RWT, we determined the type of geometry of the left ventricle in pregnant control group in terms of 30-34 weeks' gestation. The criterion for left ventricular hypertrophy, assume values LVMI> 110 g / m ². Above-average values of left ventricular mass in the control group were 97,9 ± 4,0 g / m ², which is within the physiological norm for pregnant women. The mean values of RWT, reaching 0,38 ± 0,04 units remain within the normal range. The outcome of this in general, pregnant women, we have normal left ventricular geometry and satisfactory values contractility it. Conclusion. In contrast to physiological pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia is characterized by reduced volumetric hemodynamic parameters disproportionate MMLV, eccentric geometry, diastolic left ventricular dysfunction and a progressive increase in vascular resistance index.




How to Cite

F. K, A. ., & M. N, N. . (2023). Features of Cardiovascular and Cardio Hemodynamics in Women With Physiological Pregnancy. Procedia of Engineering and Medical Sciences, 4, 6–10. Retrieved from https://procedia.online/index.php/engineering/article/view/909