Studying Alisher Navoi's Life and Creation in General Secondary Schools - As a Social Pedagogical Problem


  • Rustamova Lobarxon Ibragimovna Namangan region Toraqorgan district 1-IDUM native language and literature teacher, independent researcher of NamSU


The role of fiction is incomparable in the emergence of many social sciences and social spheres in the society, in their development and becoming one of the separate forms of social consciousness. Among the social sciences, the ancient and today leading fields of philosophy, pedagogy, philology, and even the beginning of the science of history are connected with literature. In addition, in the study, research and development of these fields, literature was directly referred to, and this is still the case and will continue. In particular, the close connection of pedagogy and literature, the closeness of the task has been recognized since the long past. If pedagogy researches the scientific and practical foundations of education and upbringing, one of the tasks of literature is its didactic function, that is, the task of imparting knowledge and moral-aesthetic education. In this sense, pedagogy and literature are inextricably linked with common goals and tasks, complement each other, and develop through interaction. Their interaction reflects an important trend of personal life related to understanding of a person from a pedagogical point of view, perception of pedagogical reality. Actions in this direction will be the basis for realizing the goal of raising a generation suitable for the national interests of the country.




How to Cite

Ibragimovna, R. L. . (2023). Studying Alisher Navoi’s Life and Creation in General Secondary Schools - As a Social Pedagogical Problem. Procedia of Philosophical and Pedagogical Sciences, 2(9), 38–42. Retrieved from